Lobster Jr. Changing His Tune On SB58 OT Loss

Why does knowing the rules matter?

Jim Rome
February 14, 2024 - 9:27 am
Kyle Shanahan

USA Today


Hey Frisco Fan… you've been real quiet this week... Feeling any better this morning? Because I don’t think your head coach is feeling any better yet. And I know you're all probably tired of hearing about and talking about and arguing about the end of the Super Bowl, Frisco Fan. But guess what… too bad. That’s what happens when you play in the Super Bowl, people talk about it. And you wear the result of that game forever. That’s just the deal. That’s just how that works.

Especially when that Super Bowl goes to overtime… and the losing team walks off the field admitting they didn’t know the overtime rules… and then the losing team’s head coach seems to give away in an interview that he wasn’t clear on the rules himself… and then that head coach goes to the podium, seems to change his tune and starts talking about wanting the ball for a third OT possession when he’s playing Patrick Mahomes who you know is going to end if after the second possession rending the third one meaningless.  … When all that happens to end a Super Bowl… people are gonna talk about it.

And I don’t mean for a few days or a week or a month, I mean forever. This is the kind of bleep reputations are built on. Especially if the coach who presided over all that chaos already had a reputation as a dude who can’t win the big one. 

The most talented coach in the league who can’t win the big one had players confused about the rules in OT, and may or may not have been confused about the rules himself… and people want to call that a nothing burger? If there ever was a something burger, this is it. And it’s gonna stick to Kyle Jr. Lobster Shanahan like an actual bacon double cheeseburger sticks to my ass.

Let me ASK YOU, Frisco Fan, DO YOU SEE THIS as a nothing burger. Are you satisfied with Shanahan’s explanation yesterday of what happened?  Or are you pissed.  Because if you are, I don’t blame you. I would be too. 

Here was Shanahan’s answer from yesterday to the question of what exactly he did to prep the team for the overtime situation.

Huh? You’re not exactly clarifying anything right there my dude. But to cut through the word salad, I think the main point I heard there was "no, I didn’t cover it in a meeting on the Super Bowl week.” Which sounds about right, considering YOUR team had no idea what was going on. 

Whatever was decided, allegedly, with the analytics department going into the playoffs somehow was never shared with the team. And just like I said yesterday, that’s shocking. Because we know this coach is detail oriented and all about preparation. But somehow his team wasn’t fully prepared for THAT situation.  The overtime in the super bowl situation: a pretty freaking important situation: a situation Kansas City says it started preparing for way back in training camp. And the only thing more unbelievable than not knowing the rule is saying it doesn’t matter if they knew the rule or not, which is what some niner players are in fact saying: they’re admitting they didn’t know the rule but chasing with it, why does it matter: if they did or didn’t.

I can’t believe I even have to explain that knowing the rules of the game you’re playing, in fact, and actually does matter.  You know why it matters… because it dictates strategy. This is like Sports 101, people. This is like Games for Dummies. This is day one stuff.

Understanding the rules of a game dictates your strategy.  Your decisions.  And Kyle says he came up with his OT strategy with the analytics department before the postseason. He just didn’t share it with his team for some reason.
But, once again, if you listen to what he actually said when he walked off the field, he was singing a very different tune. Here was what he told Evan Washburn before he hit the postgame podium. 

Problem with that answer, obviously, is that it’s not how the rule works. And if Kyle thought he could take the ball and score and win, then obviously that would be why he took the ball first. That’s why it matters knowing what the rules are.  Because just scoring a T.D. There wouldn’t have been a win: but like I said yesterday, they would have thought so and ran on the field and celebrated like they won the super bowl and it would have been the most hilarious thing ever.

But again, some of them, and no less an authority than the Harvard man himself, who love Kyle yous-check, owned that he didn’t know the rules, but asks and I quote, “why does it f’ing matter.”

Why does knowing the rules matter? That’s really a serious question from a Harvard-educated man? The rule matters because if you know scoring a t.d. doesn’t knock the other team out, maybe you defer, so get to see what that team does and then know what you have to do. K.C knew that; which is why they were going to defer if they won the toss: because they actually knew the rule:  that’s why the rule matters. It affects your strategy.  Are we really sitting here discussing whether or not the rule matters???

Look, I’m not trying to find a reason to go at any of these dudes. And there are a ton of reasons Frisco blew that game that have nothing to do with overtime. Or Kyle Shanahan for that matter. Just for the record, I’m aware that Jr Lobster didn’t fumble on the opening drive, or MUFF a punt, or miss a PAT. I know that. 

But winning a Super Bowl and toppling a dynasty and beating Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes...  Is all about executing, and the margins and being extremely detail oriented: And the Chiefs, as always, were on their details.  That’s one of big red’s biggest strengths: he’s like the most detail oriented dude ever.  The Chiefs were bragging after the game about how prepped they were for the scenario that ultimately decided the game. And the Niners were saying the exact opposite after the game. And to tell me that doesn't matter makes no sense at all. 

When all that happens, and you lose the big one again, it’s only going to feed the narrative that you can’t win the big one.

By the way, Shanahan’s answer yesterday about that narrative also didn’t make much sense or do much of anything to dispel that narrative EITHER...

Once again… HUH? My dude, nobody is saying the NINERS can’t win A big game. They’re saying YOU can’t win THE big game. And that’s not an inaccurate statement at all, that’s a fact.

He’s kind of talking out of both sides of his mouth there too, right? Like he admits that the perception of success or failure comes down to one game, but then he wants to talk about all  the ‘other’ big games they’ve won, while saying the only game that matters is the big game, which he hasn’t won.  Hypocritical much?

The question is… can you get over the Super Bowl hump? And that question is gonna be around until… wait for it… you get over the Super Bowl hump. And win that game. Period. There’s just no way around it.

That doesn’t mean the narrative can't be changed. Case in point Andy Reid, who changed that exact narrative. I’m not saying it’s too late for Kyle Shanahan or anyone should give up on Kyle Shanahan or anything like that. I just don’t want to hear that lack of preparation at the end of a Super Bowl against MAHOMES and the Chiefs didn’t matter. 

And I don’t want to hear complaints about the ‘can’t win the big one’ narrative.  Because he’s been part of losing it three times in really questionable manners: you mean think that narrative is jacked: but I’m going to tell you what I know: until you actually win that game, it’s only going to be there; and it always should; because that’s how it is for everyone, not just you.  Not knowing the rules is pretty unfathomable and then saying it doesn’t matter that they didn’t is even worse.  Especially is lose in part because of the rule.

I guess what I’m saying is, Frisco fan, you drill for every possible scenario so how did you not prepare for one as significant as this one???

But you tell me Frisco fan, are you good with this.  I’d love to hear from you.
